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Sconto del 44%

Experience unparalleled tuning flexibility

Tune any parameter of any key

Create visual patterns with sound

Stimulate brainwave frequencies with your tuning.

Meta Tuning

Beyond micro-tuning

Sculpt the sound of any key. Tune up to 4 frequencies for any chosen key and tweak any parameter for any of the 4 oscillator.

Switch between the global editing mode (QUICK mode) and the surgical per-key editing mode (META).

the geometry of sound

Explore the math and geometry that lies underneath sound. Create stunning patterns with sound. You can detach the oscilloscope into a separate window and send it to a second monitor for audio-visual performances.


Create binaural beats and embed them to your global synth settings or into any specific key.

Experiment with Brainwave Entrainment triggering alpha, beta, theta and gamma brainwaves.

Use the BWE mode from the Follow Panel to start your mind journey!

Se sei un musicista/compositore interessato a scoprire o sfruttare le correlazioni tra suono e matematica o tra suono e immagine allora questo software fa per te. Se cerchi uno strumento che ti lasci la libertà di creare la tua scala musicale, di calibrare le proprietà sonore 

C'è geometria nel mormorio delle corde, 

c'è musica nella spaziatura delle sfere.

Disponibile per Mac e Windows

AU | VST | Standalone

Latest version: 1.0.7

The demo version allows a usage limit of 15 minutes and the use of the “meta-tuning” tool on a maximum of 5 notes.

Windows version coming soon…

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