The Music of the Spheres: A Cosmic Harmony
The idea that the universe is a grand symphony, a cosmic harmony produced by the movements of the celestial bodies, is an ancient concept that
The idea that the universe is a grand symphony, a cosmic harmony produced by the movements of the celestial bodies, is an ancient concept that
An innovative device created at the ETH Zurich has demonstrated the ability to manipulate small parts of objects, both solid and liquid, without the need
Masaru Emoto is a Japanese businessman, author and researcher, famous for his studies on water and in particular on the interaction between water and human
The series of frequencies that make up the Solfeggio scale comes from the book Healing codes for the biological apocalypse, written by Leonard G. Horowitz,
The 528 Hz frequency has been the subject of various scientific investigations as well as of keen interest on the part of spiritual researchers who
Fin da tempi remoti diverse culture e tradizioni usano il suono in pratiche destinate ad alterare lo stato emozionale e fisico della persona. Ne sono