MultiLFO è un’unità di modulazione che crea pattern ritmici combinando diverse forme d’onda.
Mixa fino a 16 LFO (3 nella versione demo)
È possibile importare/esportare in batch i preset
Limiti della versione gratuita:
MindEntrainer is an app for Android, Windows and Mac osx with which you can create sound patterns for brainwave synchronization.
In the desktop version and in the PRO version for mobile you can manage and create preset files, import and export these files individually or in groups. This function is particularly useful as it allows you to create your own files on the desktop and then transfer them to the mobile app.
Available for Mac, Windows and Android
Latest version: 1.0.7
La versione demo consente un limite di utilizzo di 15 minuti e l’uso dello strumento “meta-tuning” su un massimo di 5 note.
Windows version coming soon…
Create your own Brainwave Entrainment sessions. Create and exchange sound patterns from the desktop application or your Android device. Thanks to the noise generation module you can create background textures on which to insert binaural or isochronic impulses. Also enter an audio sample if you want to enrich the experience with your own recording or a music track of your choice.
C’è geometria nel ronzio delle corde,
c’è musica nella spaziatura delle sfere.